Wednesday, June 18, 2014

iChallenge You to Freedom!

Our iChallenge Program is off to a great start! Our students have been learning about key figures and events that took place during Freedom Summer of 1964. This summer commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Summer Movement and we are remembering our history in various ways.

 A Look at the Past 

 From reading novels about Freedom Summer to examining biographies and profiles of key activists, students are exploring different perspectives and experiences of this historic event. Students are also exploring the role numbers and math play during Freedom Summer by taking polls, measuring distances, and converting mug shot numbers. Finally, students are getting creative with different technology tools and poetry to retell the Freedom Summer experience through photography.

Freedom Summer Trail 

Part of our iChallenge Program includes a tour to several significant sites in Hattiesburg. Many of the places we visited were gathering places, which were pivotal during Freedom Summer of 1964. To download the tour guide, click here. Following the tour, we visited the African American Military Museum.

This has definitely been an enriching start and we look forward to sharing more of our learning at the end of the program showcase on July 2nd. We hope to see you there!

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